Events & Seasonal...
Below are our articles on the subject of Events & Seasonal. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Boost Your Green Credentials: Buying and Selling at Car Boot Sales
Car boot sales can be a great way to reuse your second-hand goods. We look at the ins and outs of car boot sales....

Eco Friendly Ways to Reduce and Re-Use Waste After Your Wedding
Weddings don't have to be wasteful. We show you how to cut down and re-use while still having a wedding day to remember....

Great Tip for Reducing and Reusing Things at Christmas Time
Christmas is usually a time of excess, and therefor waste. We look at ways you can re-use and reduce to cut down on waste at Christmas....

Holding a Clothes Swapping Party
Swapping is the new shopping! We look at clothes swapping parties and how to hold one....

Regifting: What to Do With Your Unwanted Gifts
What is regifting and is it the done thing? We look at the etiquette of the regifting phenomenon....